Unicorns Over Rainbows: Resources
Recommended Books
Over the years, I have read countless business books that have had a significant impact on my professional growth. These books have enlightened me on various business concepts and strategies that I have successfully implemented in my career. Here are some of the most influential business books that have helped me succeed in my business endeavours.
Below is a list of thinking tools, ideas and frameworks. I have linked to explanations where I can.
Agreeability and disagreeability Malcolm Glawell’s twelve rules for life - Season 3 EP 7 - Revisionist History
Cost of Delay - From Scale Agile Framework and Don Reinerston
Crucial conversations (Book & Course)
Delegation model - Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) - Economic decision making & Cost of Delay
Human centred design
The Decision Tree - from Fierce Conversations, Susan Scott
Working Genius - Widget - Patrick Lencioni
12 Cognitive Biases
Above and below the line
See Be Do Get
Correlation vs. Causation
Disintegrate to reintegrate at a higher level - Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration
Elephant thinking
Start with Who - Jim Collins
A.B.I.D.E - Attraction, Barriers , Identity/roles , Diversity/dissent, Environment
Agile and Lean
Love languages
Quantification, adrenaline & sophistication biases - Why your CEO doesn't get it - table group podcast
Scaling up
Second order consequences - looking beyond the immediate consequence to the follow on consequences
Self leadership and 1 minute manager, Ken Blanchard
Sensemaking - more stories like this less like that
Strengths finder (Clifton)
Systems thinking - Optimizing a part of a system doesnt necessarily optimize the whole
Worldblu principles and badges
Be the hero
Never let a good crisis go to waste